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Q. What do you mean by Interrupts?

The term interrupt is an exceptional event which causes CPU to temporarily transfer its control from presently executing program to a separate program that gives service to exceptional event. It is same as you asking a question in a class. Whenever you ask a query in class by raising hands teacher who is describing some point might react to your request only after finishing his/her point. Likewise an interrupt is recognized by CPU when it has completed currently executing instruction.  An interrupt can be produced by some sources that may be either external or internal to CPU.

Some of the fundamental issues of interrupt are:

  • What are the variety of interrupts?
  • What are advantages of having an interruption mechanism?
  • How is CPU informed about occurrence of an interrupt?
  • What does CPU do on occurrence of an interrupt?


Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9571413

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