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Q. How to Correct the error condition while copying file in DOS?

In most case, DOS allows you to correct the error condition and retry the command (by pressing R). If the drive is not ready, normally, the remedy lies in inserting a disk in a drive and closing the drive door, if required. If the target disk is the write-protected, you can remove the write-protect sticker (in a mini floppy disk) or move the write-protect tab in a micro floppy disk and retry the command. If you are attempting to copy files on a new floppy disk, you will first have to format the disk. In case of insufficient disk space on the target disk, the remedy lies in creating vacant space by deleting unwanted files or by changing the target disk.

When you use the COPY command, if the destination directory already has file(s) that you are trying to copy, you are prompted to give direction to the system, e.g.

Overwrite A\NEW\SAMPLE.DOC (Yes/No/All)?

You can choose the following:

Yes (Y) : Overwrites the file and continues the COPY command.

No (N)  : Does not overwrite the file and continues the COPY command.

All (A)   : Overwrite the indicated file and all subsequent files. That is, Suppresses To use any option, press the corresponding letter (e.g. Y for Yes) and press the Enter key.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9568480

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