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Q. Find out if a particular file is available in a disk in DOS?

Sometimes you may like to find out if a particular file is available in a disk. In that case, you can identify that file name after the DIR commend. For example, consider the following commend:

     C:> DIR RAMA

In response to this commend, DOS will verify if any files having the file name RAMA exist (regard less of the extension name). If so, it lists them. For instance , if drive C contains two files-RAMA. Doc and RAMA.bak, the DIR RAMA command will list both of them along with the file size and date and time of last update of these files. If there is no file with the particular filename on drive C, DOS shows a message - 'file not found'.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9568462

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