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Q. Explain working of Supercomputer?

Supercomputers, capable of executing in excess of one billion floating-point operations per second (FLOPS), are very powerful, extremely high-performance computers for applications that are beyond the reach of the mainframes, and cost more than ten million dollars. These are used for weather prediction, image processing, and nuclear-energy studies that require high-precision processing of ordered data achieved by a speed advantage due to parallel processors. Cyber 205, Cray X-MP, and Cray 2 are some examples of supercomputers. In the 1980s, supercomputing centers were developed at six American universities for high performance computing. By 1990 it was possible to build chipswith amillion components; semiconductormemories became standard in all computers; widespread use of computer networks and workstations had occurred. Explosive growth of wide area networking took place with transmission rates of 45 million bits per second.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9565204

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