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Q. Explain about Workstations?

The workstations are used for engineering applications like CAD/CAM or other types of applications which need a moderate computing power and relatively high quality graphics capabilities.  Workstations usually are needed with large RAM, high resolution graphics screen, network support, mass storage device and a graphical user interface. Some particular type of workstation comes without a disk.  These are termed as workstations/diskless terminals. Workstations are characteristically associated together to form a network.  The most general operating systems for workstations are Windows 2003 Server, UNIX and Solaris etc.

Please consider that networking workstation means any computer associated to a local area network though it could be a workstation or a personal computer. Workstations can be a client to Server computers. Server is a computer which is optimized to offer services to other connected computers by a network. Servers typically have huge memory, powerful processors and large secondary storage space.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9571476

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