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Q. Explain about Threads Model - programming model?

In this model a single process can have many as well as concurrent execution paths. The main program is planned to run by native operating system. It loads and obtains all necessary softwares as well as user resources to activate process. A thread's work can best be explained as a subroutine in main program. Any thread is able to be executing any subroutine and at same time it can execute other subroutine. Threads communicate with one another via global memory. This needs Synchronization constructs to assure that more than one thread isn't updating similar global address at any time. Threads can be created as well as destroyed however main program remains live to give necessary shared resources till application has finished. Threads are generally connected with shared memory architectures as well as operating systems.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9571221

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