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Q. Explain about PARAM Super computer?

PARAM is a high-performance, industry standard and scalable computer. It has developed from concepts of distributes scalable computers maintaining massive parallel processing in cluster of network of computers. The PARAM's major benefits are its Scalability.  PARAM can be assembled to perform Tera-floating point operations for each second.  It is a cost effective computer. It provides support for some application software. PARAM is made employing standard available components.  It provides support for Solaris Operating System and Sun's Ultra SPARC series servers. It is based on standard protocols and open environments. It can execute any standard application which is available on Sun Solaris System.

Some of applications which have been designed to run in parallel computational mode on PARAM comprise seismic data processing, Molecular modeling, numerical weather forecasting, quantum chemistry, finite element analysis. It also supports several languages and Software Development platforms like:

FORTRAN 77, FORTRAN 90, C and C++ language compilers, and tools for parallel program debugging, Solaris 2.5.1 Operating system on I/O and Server nodes, Visualization and parallel libraries, Data warehousing tools, Distributed Computing Environment etc.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9571480

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