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Q. Explain about Microprocessors?

Microprocessors have instruction sets ranging from 20 to several hundred instructions, known as microprograms, which are stored in ROM to initiate the microprocessor routines. The instructions generally consist of a series of arithmetic and logic type operations, and also include directions for fetching and transferring data. Microprocessors are classified by word size in bits, such as 1-, 4-, 8-, and 16-bit microprocessors; generally speaking, the larger the word size, the more powerful the processor. Three popular 8-bit microprocessors (µp) are Intel 8085, Zilog Z80, and Motorola MC6800; the 16-bit microprocessors dominating the market are Intel 8086 and 80286, Motorola MC68000, and Zilog Z8000; the powerful 32-bit microprocessors at the very high end of the market started with Intel 80386, Intel 80486, Motorola MC68020, and National N532032. Still more powerful Intel Pentium processors such as Pentium II and III were introduced in the 1990's, and even these are going to be replaced soon by Intel ItaniumProcessors.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9565209

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