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Q. Explain about Hybrid model?

Hybrid models are normally tailor-made models suiting to particular applications. In fact these fall in category of mixed models. These type of application-oriented models maintain cropping up. Other parallel programming models too subsist and will carry on evolving corresponding to new applications. 

In these types of models any two or more parallel programming models are joined. At this time a general illustration of a hybrid model is combination of message passing model (MPI) with either threads model (POSIX threads) or shared memory model (OpenMP). This hybrid model lends itself well to increasingly common hardware environment of networked SMP machines. Other ordinary illustration of a hybrid model is joining data parallel model with message passing model. As described previously in data parallel model data parallel implementations (F90, HPF) on distributed memory architectures in fact use message passing to send data transparently between programmer and tasks.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9571231

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