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Q. Disk operating system?

The operating system (OS) is the first program that should be loaded into the memory of your PC before you can use it for any application. You can start your computer with disk operating system (DOS) or any other operating system such as Windows 95, 97, 98 or Windows NT that might be installed in the Hard disk. In this unit, we shall talk about the basic facilities present in DOS. Switch to MS-DOS and go through most of the text given in this and the next two unit. If your PC is operating under windows 95/98 or Windows NT, complete the following steps to switch to MS-DOS.

• Click the start button in the taskbar then press the windows logo key to open the start menu then click programs in the start menu.

• Windows shows the program submenu.

• In the program menu click MS-DOS Prompt and your screen displays a window that includeMS-DOS Prompt, such as "C:\windows>_".

• If you want you can also restart your computer in MS-DOS mode by using the following steps:

o Close open programs

o Click the Start Button present in the TaskBar or Press the Windows Logo Key to open the Start Menu.

o Click "restart in MS-DOS Mode" and then press OK.

Wait for some time untill your PC restarts in MS-DOS Mode.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9568441

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