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Q. Describe about directory in DOC?

We all know that, the volume of the hard disk is generally quite large (10 MB to a few GB). You can keep hundreds or even thousands of files in your hard disk. Even the capacity of a floppy disk is large enough to store many files. A directory is nothing but a named section of a storage device, such as hard disk, floppy disk. In other terms, to arrange file on hard disk or floppy disk, these are divided into different segments (sections), known as Directories. You can keep any number of files in each directory. The directory helps to organize your file in well organized manner. Using directories in a storage devise is similar to keeping different types of files in an office in separate drawers of a filing cabinet. For example, Xyz Company may keep all sales files in the first drawer, all purchase files in the second drawer and all employees' files in the third drawer of a filing cabinet. In the same way, when XYZ Company computerizes its operation, it may store all sales files in the SALES directory, all purchase files in the PURCHASE directory and all employees' files in the EMPOLYEES directory. In the same way, the user bella may keep his personal files in the RAJ directory and the secretary of XYZ Company may store the letters in the LETTERS or DOC directory.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9568455

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