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Q. Copy file from a floppy disk to the hard disk?

While using a PC, often you need to copy file from a floppy disk to the hard disk or vice-versa.  For instance, you buy some software and want to load that on your hard disk, in that case, you may have to copy files from the floppy disk to the hard disk.  You may also have to copy files if you want to transfer file from one computer to another.  Moreover, you may want to make backup copies of you important file on the hard disk to floppy disk into a floppy disk.  To copy files from one storage device to another, you can use the COPY command.  This command has the following syntax:

Here, source refers to the path and the filename(s) of the file(s) to be copied. Destination typically refers to the destination path. I.e. drive name and directory where the files to be copied. For example, consider the following command:

                  C :\> COPY C: REPORT A:

This COPY command copies the REPORT file from the drive C to the disk in drive A. after copying the file in drive A, it will name the new file (in drive A)too REPORT. Now consider the following commands:

               C :\> COPY A: CHAPTER1.DOC C:

               C :\> COPY A: CHAPTER1. DOC C:\WORD

The first command copies the chapter1.DOC file from drive A to the current directory in drive C. as the root directory is selected in drive C(prompt is 'C:\>'), it copies the file to the root directory in drive C. the next command copies the file to the WORD directory in drive C.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9568471

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