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Q. Changing the System Prompt?

When you change the directory, you would like to keep track of it. The best way to do this is by displaying the name of the current directory along with the drive name in the system prompt. If you're PC does not display the directory name after the drive name in the system prompt, you can use the PROMPT command to display it. For instance, consider the following command:


If you use this command, DOS display the directory name after the drive name. The system prompt change to C :\>, A :\>, etc. if a directory is a selected in the drive, DOS also includes that in the system prompt. For example, if the WORD directory is selected in drive C, the system prompt changes to C:\WORD>.

The prompt command can also be used to display additional information in the system prompt. For instance, you can display the current date and/or time. Consider the following commands:

                            PROMPT $P $D $G

                            PROMPT $P $T $G

The first command displays the current date along with the path of the selected directory in the system prompt. The next command displays the current time along with the selected directory in the system prompt.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9568468

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