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problem: Simulate a TM with infinite tape on both ends by using a two-track TM with finite storage.

problem: Prove the given language is non-Turing recognizable by using the diagnolization principle {(M, w) | TM M, starts with input w, does not halt}

problem: Make a TM for L = {w| w contains equal number of 0’s and 1’s} over {0,1}

a) Give an algorithmic description
b) Draw the transition diagram.

problem: Consider a language L = {0m10n10max(m,n)| m, n>= 0}. Make a TM which decides the language. describe the algorithm and draw the transition diagram of the TM.

problem: Given the following TM M, does M a) accept or b) reject on inputs w1 = 000 and w2 = 0000? Illustrate the content of the input tape and positions of the head step-by-step.


Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9247

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