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Problem Statement:

The ML-1 reactor (mobile low power reactor 1) was a Brayton cycle nitrogen-cooled, water-moderated reactor designed by Aerojet-General Corporation. This was part of the United States Army Nuclear Power Plant Program (USANPP) and like many reactors in this program; it had a power rating less than 2 MWe. This reactor plant was transported on standard army trailers. The purpose of the ML-1 power plant was to provide electrical power to remote locations. It was intended to provide power to run a field hospital. The ML-1 reactor was during the years of 1961-1964. By 1965, all power plants of the USANPP had been phased out. Figure 1 shows a schematic of the ML-1 plant system. In Tables 1-4 show some relevant data pertaining to the ML-1 design.

1640_Schematic of ML-1 plant system.png

Figure 1. Schematic of ML-1 plant system

Table 1. General information on temperatures, pressures, etc



Design ambient temperature

100 °F


Nitrogen gas

Coolant flow

95000 lb/hr

Compressor inlet temperature

132 °F

Compressor inlet pressure

117 Psia

Compressor outlet temperature

366 °F

Compressor outlet pressure

320 Psia

Reactor inlet temperature

791 °F

Reactor inlet pressure

313 Psia

Turbine inlet temperature

1200 °F

Turbine inlet pressure

289 Psia

Turbine outlet temperature

901 °F

Turbine outlet pressure

120 Psia

Pre-cooler inlet temperature

479 °F

Pre-cooler inlet pressure

118 Psia

Table 2. Turbine-compressor set details



Radial Flow Compressor




Turbine stages



Turbine rotor material



Turbine blade material



Turbine stator blade material



Expansion ratio



Compressor stages



Compression ratio



Table 3. Recuperator details





81 inches (with external insulation)

Outside diameter

45 inches (with external insulation)

High pressure inlet (header dimension)

8 inches

High pressure outlet (header dimension)

8 inches

Low pressure inlet (header dimension)

20 inches

Low pressure outlet (header dimension)

14 inches



High pressure loss percentage Δp/p


Low pressure loss percentage Δp/p



Shell and tube regenerator

Table 4. Pre-cooler details



Pre-cooler length

128 inches


113 inches

Thickness of pre-cooler core

15 inches

Thickness of fans and plenums

17 inches

Material of tubes and fins

Series 1100 aluminum

Material of headers

Series 2219 aluminum

Pre-cooler header, inlet

14 inches

Pre-cooler header, outlet

10 inches



Total Δp/p


Air flow

289,000 lb/hr


Fin fan air-to-gas exchanger


1131 tubes, single pass


Internal and external fins

Question 1:

Calculate the thermal efficiency of the ML-1 nuclear plant using the information provided in Table 1-4. Please note that you may not need to use all the information provided. Figure 2 shows a simplified version of Figure 1. Figure 3 shows a T-S diagram that corresponds with Figure 2. Please show all work.

752_Plant system.jpg

Figure 2. Simplified diagram of ML-1 plant system

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Figure 3. Temperature-entropy (T-S) diagram of ML-1 plant system

Question 2:

In Figure 4, a 2nd recuperator (R2) of the same model has been added. Flow control valves have been added to divide the flow going to R1 and R2 from the turbine and the compressor. Find values of the mass flow rates such that the thermal efficiency is greater than that of Question 1.

246_Plant system2.jpg

Figure 4. ML-1 plant system with an additional recuperator

Other Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Other Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M91706383
  • Price:- $60

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