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Picking the Data Set

Look into the following sites as an example and select a data set that interests you.




4. Any other source of your choice

Preparing the data

- Import the data set into R. Save the data as .RData file, so it can be loaded back easily
- Document the steps for the import process and any preprocessing had to be done prior to or after the import

Analyzing the data

- Do the analysis as in Module3 for categorical and numerical data. Show appropriate plots for your data

- Pick one variable with numerical data and examine the distribution of the data.

- Draw various random samples of the data and show the applicability of the Central Limit Theorem for this variable.

- Show how various sampling methods can be used on your data.

- For confidence levels of 80 and 90, show the confidence intervals of the mean of the numeric variable for various samples and compare against the population mean.

Presenting the Project

- You will schedule your project presentation with your Facilitator.
- Each presentation is for at most 10 minutes.
- Your Faciliator will send a sign-up sheet with their schedule slots. The days will be Dec 15th , 16th , 17th.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92043369

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