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Organisational culture and learning Print Page One of the ways to assess organisational culture is to map where a given organisation falls on a set of different spectrums.

Typical features of organisational culture include:

Innovation and risk taking

Attention to detail

Outcome orientation

People orientation

Team orientation


Stability (in contrast to readiness to grow) For this Assignment, you will use these features to evaluate an organisation with which you are familiar.

To complete this Assignment: Submit a document in which you use these features of organisational culture to characterise the prevailing culture of your organisation (or of an organisation you know well). Instead of evaluating this organisation's overall culture as 'good' or 'bad', evaluate the organisation in regard to each of the seven features.

Explain which of these aspects of your organisation you like in their present form, which you would change and your recommendations for an intervention to bring about that change.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M91186466
  • Price:- $35

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