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Group Deliverable

Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation (speaker notes per slide) on the following:

Simulate an audit of the information systems.
Describe how the team would approach an audit of the 6 assets against the controls from the group project discussion.
Describe the types of tests that would be performed and any anticipated findings that could arise based on the climate described to this point for PVSS.
Grading Rubric:

Discussion Topic


Individual Portion

4-6 paragraphs in group discussion

Group/Individual Discussion

Individual contribution and review of other submissions
Group dynamics and reaching of consensus of top 6 assets and 4 controls

PowerPoint Presentation

An analysis of the top 6 assets
An analysis of the approach against the four controls

Quality of the PowerPoint Presentation and Writing

PowerPoint format with speaker notes per slide
APA Format (for references)
Use at least two (2) credible sources

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M91189463

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