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Grid Computing signifies applying resources of different computers in a network concurrently to a single problem for solving a scientific or technical problem which needs a huge number of computer processing cycles or else accesses to large amounts of data. Grid computing employs software to split and distribute pieces of a program to as many as numerous thousand computers. Some professional groups, corporations as well as university consortia have created frameworks and software for managing grid computing projects. 

So Grid computing model permits companies to employ a large number of computing resources on demand irrespective of where they are located. A variety of computational tasks can be performed employing a computational grid. Grid computing gives clustering of remotely distributed computing environment. The main focus of grid computing to date has been on maximizing use of available processor resources for compute intensive applications. Grid computing with storage virtualization in addition server virtualization allows a utility computing. Generally it has a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that is a program interface based on graphics capabilities of computer to create screens or windows.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M9571239

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