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Go to the library (PBSC) online and search through recent newspaper articles; identify at least six examples of threats to information security can you find in the last month. For each situation, explain how you would have handled the situation, such as consideration and actions you would take-what would you have done different (feel free to make assumptions but support them). In order to complete this assignment please follow these guidelines:

  • Paper must be Word document file type..

•Paper must include a cover page that includes necessary information identifying lesson number, research title, date, your full name, etc..

  • Embed charts and/or tables within the paper as needed..
  • Paper must be at least 800 words in length (not including cover or reference page)..
  • Paper must be in APA format..
  • Paper must be your own unique composition; do not copy/paste other's work without appropriate citation..

•Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Students who plagiarize can receive an "F" for the assignment, an "F" for the course, or expulsion from the program depending on the severity of the violation..
•Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected.


Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M91185840

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