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Case Study- Director's Request for PCs using MS Word Table, MS Access, and MS PowerPoint

Using MS Office 2010 / 2013 / 365

Please use the document "READ FIRST - Case Study Instructions - Director's Requirements" for each of the parts described below.

Part 1: Specifications Table (MS Word)

Use the project description HERE to complete this activity. For a review of the complete rubric used in grading this exercise, click on the Assignments tab, then on the title Case Study Part 1 - PC Specs (Word)- click on Show Rubrics if the rubric is not already displayed.

For the case study provided to you, create MS Word tables that identify and contain the hardware and software requirements to meet the director's requirements. The MS Word document in its final form will include 6 MS Word tables. It will include a two-paragraph narrative summary that classifies the user type and identifies the PCcategory that will be recommended. The specific instructions are found in the table at the end of this file.

Students are expected to conduct external research to adequately address all aspects of the assignment requirements. It is suggested that students use a computer manufacturer's site (i.e., Apple, Dell, Toshiba) to help in identifying all the components needed to meet the director's requirements. Remember, although there are 5 computers to be purchased, you are required to configure only one, as the same one may be purchased for all 5 employees. Any outside sources should be correctly cited in APA style at the end of the table.Students will need to include specific requirements from the case study to show why each item is being recommended. Each element listed below must be incorporated into the assignment. Omissions will result in loss of points.

Make and model and description are required, when at all possible.. For example, if the solution suggested is a 32" IBM Monitor, say so. Do not just say monitor because that does not provide sufficient information for a purchase. It is not necessary, for example, to identify the make and model of a USB port.

You must also consider components that may be a part of a machine or device. For example, the System Unit table will require elements such as USB ports. The monitor and mouse are typically separate devices on a desktop, but on a laptop or tablet they are often integrated. You should identify the various forms of input and output for your computer(s) on the Hardware table, whether they are separate devices or integrated elements.

There should be sufficient detail in this case study for procurement/purchasing personnel to buy the systems. Details are crucial.

Don't focus on web references as to where the equipment can be found, although you may include your source(s). Focus on a solution to specific requirements.

Do not ‘number' requirements in your table, even though they are numbered in the "Case Study - Director's Requirements' document. In many cases there are several requirements expressed in a single numbered listing. It's important that you are clear about which requirement is addressed by a specific piece of hardware or software.

All identified hardware and software and relevant requirements must be listed in the tables. Mentioning an item or a requirement in the two paragraph narrative is perfectly ok, but it must also be in the tables.

Additional information:

You are supposed to tie back your recommended specs to all of the original requirements. Spell out the requirements that apply to your selection of hardware, etc., and do so in the tables. Your customer would not appreciate having to guess as to which requirement is being met by your items.

Don't forget the components necessary for the computers to communicate with each other and connect to the internet.

Suggested layout for the tables (other layouts are possible):

Three columns: Group (Input, Output, Etc), Device, Requirement; then one row for each Device. Arrange your tables so that you don't leave lots of blank rows. See the Sample Tables for suggested layouts. These samples can be found in the topic labeled "Optional Tutorials-Word project" in the Readings for Week 4.

Include details where it makes sense. For example:

Scanner. This isn't enough information to tell what the device is capable of. The customer wants to know how it's "tricked out". What model is it? Is it an All-In-One or standalone (why?)? How much RAM does it have? Does it have wireless capability? Can it accept camera memory cards? What resolution can it handle?

Adapter Cards. Your customer wants to create and edit high quality photos and videos. This usually means you'll need a beefed-up graphics adapter. Be prepared to answer these questions: What model is it? How much RAM does it have? Is it integrated or discrete? This means you need to understand a little about graphics cards. Integrated means it is a chip (not an actual card) that is part of the motherboard. Typically, integrated video is ok but not as powerful as discrete video cards. These are actual adapter cards that have lots more circuitry and dedicated RAM than the smaller integrated chips. So they are more powerful and better for the customer's requirements.

Monitor. While the software applications actually enable video creation and editing, the hardware enables the "high quality" requirement. You can hook up a display to the standard VGA port on the computer. However, the newer machines come with HDMI ports, which enables High Definition displays. If the recommended desktop or laptop has an HDMI port the user can get full 1080p on the video display unit. These specifications may satisfy the customer's requirement to create and edit high quality digital photos and videos.

Ports. Everybody needs ports, right? I just described an important one - HDMI. How about Ethernet, SATA, FireWire, USB (2.0 or 3.0), media cards? Think of the data transfer/exchange requirements and what kind of speeds are necessary to make them work effectively.

External Storage. The customer may want users to exchange data quickly. Are CDs or DVDs the way to go? What about USB flash memory cards? Or some kind of network storage?

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92378690
  • Price:- $35

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