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Can you provide me answer to the given questions?

Problem: Parallel, distributed, and real­time systems [5, 10, 5]

Part a) Explain the difference between symmetric and asymmetric multiprocessing.

Part b) Give two real world examples for distributed computing system applications.  What advantages do they have over not being distributed?  Disadvantages?

Part c) Specify which of the following systems are hard real­time systems and which of them are soft real­time systems, and explain why.  If they are NOT real­time systems, explain why.

a. YouTube

b. Aerial robotic swarm movement control

c. Online chess game

d. Remote robot­assisted surgery

e. Skype

Answer these parts in details and provide examples to support your rationale.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M91231740

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