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Before database developers database and its corresponding tables, the developers must determine what type of data must be stored, business rules about the data (such as an invoice date cannot be earlier than a purchase date), and relationships between different pieces of data. To determine such information, the data analyst must ask questions of stakeholders throughout the organization.

For this discussion, assume you work in the IT department of an organization. Your boss wants you to track all types of IT assets throughout the organization. She wants to know:

  • The acquisition cost.
  • The acquisition date.
  • Software installed on each user and server machine.
  • Licenses owned and actually used.
  • User assignment.
  • Other details.

Develop and list the questions you would ask stakeholders throughout the organization to determine what data you will store and how you should best organize it.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92387526
  • Price:- $20

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