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Write the pseudocode for a program that accepts data for an order number, customer name, wood type, number of characters, and color of characters. Display all of the entered data, a breakdown of the charges, and the final price for the sign.

Mark Daniels is a carpenter who creates personalized house signs. He wants an application to compute the price of any sign a customer orders, based on the following factors:

· The minimum charge for all signs is $30.

· If the sign is made of oak, add $15, if made of maple, add $20, no charge is added for pine.

· The first six letters or numbers are included in the minimum charge; there is a $3 charge for each additional character from 7 to 10 and $4 charge for each additional character over 10.

· Black or white characters are included in the minimum charge; there is an additional $12 charge for gold-leaf lettering.

Write the pseudocode for a program that accepts data for an order number, customer name, wood type, number of characters, and color of characters. Display all of the entered data, a breakdown of the charges, and the final price for the sign.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92360580
  • Price:- $25

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