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There are many additional algorithms available for searching and sorting data structures. The searching and sorting algorithms that are typically used work best for particular data structures. For this assignment, you will examine 2 searching algorithms and 2 sorting algorithms and the associated data structures.

Choose 2 sorting algorithms and 2 searching algorithms, and describe them in detail, including the type of data structures they work well with. Complete the following:

• For 1 of the selected search algorithms, write pseudocode, and create a flowchart to show how the algorithm could be implemented to search data in the data structure.

• For 1 of the selected sort algorithms, write pseudocode, and create a flowchart to show how the algorithm could be implemented to sort data in the data structure.

• Give the pseudocode and flowchart that would show how one of the additional data structures could be implemented to search data.

• In addition, create a flowchart to show how to sort using one of the additional algorithms.

o Give the pseudocode for the flowchart as well.

Submit the following for your assignment in a single MS Word document:

• 2 flowcharts (1 for a searching algorithm and 1 for a sorting algorithm)
• 2 pseudocode examples (1 for a searching algorithm and 1 for a sorting algorithm)

Note: Diagrams created in separate programs should be copied and pasted into your document for submission.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92796308

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