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One of the most important aspects of operating systems security is protection from the ever-present and expanding threat of viruses. Viruses represent a significant threat to the valuable information and system resources in every organization, and proactive measures must be taken to provide adequate protection before damage is done.

For this assignment, you will continue the development of the Operating Systems Security Policies document. New content will include an analysis and recommendation of virus protection tools for each of the 3 OS categories (UNIX, open source, and Windows). You will also develop the policies that will help reduce the threat of viruses, adware, spyware, and malware entering the systems.

The following are the project deliverables:

• Update the Operating Systems Security Policies document title page with a new date and project name.
• Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor's feedback.
• New Content: Virus Protection

o Tools

- Describe the major systems in the organization that may be susceptible to virus threats.

- These systems should include all 3 operating systems categories (Unix, open source, and Windows) from the initial project requirements.

- For each system category, provide an analysis and recommendation of appropriate virus protection tools.

- Your analysis should include requirements and a comparison of features, cost, and any other relevant factors for at least 3 alternatives for each operating system; a final recommendation for an appropriate tool; and justification for your selection.

o Policies

- Discuss how viruses, adware, spyware, and malware would impact your organization.

- Prepare at least 5 policies that will help reduce the threat of viruses, adware, spyware, and malware within the organization.

- The policies should include detailed steps to be followed.

- Provide details of how each policy will be effective in the reduction of these threats.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92717372
  • Price:- $50

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