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Assignment: RFID in Oil and Gas Industry

The paper should include: Cover Page, Abstract, Table of Contents, Main Body, References and Attachments.

• An Introduction- specific description of the business problem that the RFID system will be used to improve or enhance.
• An overview of the chosen RFID system including:

o Basics of the RFID components that were chosen
o Any advances in RFID that are used in the system
o Any Industry Standards that are used in the system

• Benefits and/or disadvantages of the RFID system

• Security concerns or practices associated with the RFID system

• Impact of implementation - A description of administrative procedures - human and process changes; any Changes in Organization policies or enhancements to include training requirements

• Appendices (Documentation could include: business case, project plan, etc

In this research paper and students are encouraged to look both inside and outside the box for gaining knowledge about RFID. Much of the information gathered will be through research and should be documented appropriately.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92360583
  • Price:- $40

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