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Asignment- Chapter 2: Connecting and Communicating Online

1. Mention some uses of the INTERNET.

2. Who controls the Internet? Explain it.

3. Who provides the Internet's structure today?

4. The IP address consists of ______, each separated by _____. In general, the first portion of each IP address identifies _____ and the last portion identifies the ______. Because IP addresses are difficult to remember and us, a text name that represents one or more IP addresses. ____ is the text version of an IP address.

5. Mention at least 8 types of web sites:

6. Mention some examples of generic Top Level Domain and its meaning.

7. What is the difference between Search Engine and Subject Directory?

8. When you are using a search engine: How refine your search?

9. Netiquette, which is ______________________. NETIQUETTE-Golden Rule is ____________________.

a. Mention some of the rules of netiquette in e-mail, chat rooms, and newsgroups:

b. How can you express emotion? Mention some popular emoticons:

c. Mention some abbreviations and acronyms for phrases:

Define the following Key terms-

Access Provider
hot spot
Chat Room
DNS Server
Domain Name
E-mail Address
Home Page
IP Address
Online Social Network
Search Engine
Surfing the web
Web Server


Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92171167
  • Price:- $40

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