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Access Assignment

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After you have reviewed the Atomic Learning resources above, watch the Creating a Table in Access 2013 video tutorial, which walks through an example of how to complete this assignment.

For this submission:

• Using Access 2013, create the table that you described for the company you chose for the Module Two discussion (Target Corporation). Include a minimum of seven fields.

• Be sure to appropriately label the data types and give appropriate titles to the metadata (fields).

• Input two data records into the table.

• Create a Word document that contains a description of the completed table. Be sure to include the company name and why the company would use this table, along with the table name, fields, and data types of each field.

• Submit both the Word document and the Access file (.accdb) as individual files, but include both files in the same submission.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92373901
  • Price:- $25

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