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Able Communications

Able Communications is a leading cable service provider in a metropolitan area. The new customer billing system has caused an increase in complaints. Zoe Valine, the office manager, asked you to investigate the situation. After interviewing data entry operators and observing the online data input process, you are fairly certain that most errors occur when data is entered.


1. Write a brief memo to Zoe explaining the importance of data va lidation during the input process.

2. Suggest at least three specific data validation checks that might help reduce input errors.

3. Would a batch input system offer any advantages? Write a brief memo to Zoe stating your views.

4. Suppose that Able Communications is predicting 25% annual growth, on a current base of 90,000 customers. If the growth pattern holds, how many customers will Able have in three years? If it takes about 12 minutes to enter a new customer into the system, how many additional data entry operators will be needed to handle the growth next year? Assume that an operator works about 2,000 hours per year. Also assume a 30% annual attrition rate for existing customers.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92180153
  • Price:- $30

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