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1. Explain what is a Stack and different operations & pointers associated with stack. Then write a program to implement stack as an array of 5 integers. Create this array as a global variable. Write different functions for push, pop & display. Inside "main", print a menu and provide selections using switch-case-default inside an infinite loop. Your screen should look like:

1. Push on the stack

2. Pop from the stack

3. Print stack

4. Exit

2. Explain what is a Queue and different operations & pointers associated with a queue. Then write a program to implement queue as an array of 5 integers. Create this array as a global variable. Write different functions for enqueue, dequeue, display & peek. Inside "main", print a menu and provide selections using switch-case-default inside an infinite loop. Your screen should look like:

1. enqueue

2. dequeue

3. display

4. peek

5. exit

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M91722043
  • Price:- $50

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