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1. Explain the differences between sensor networks with a traditional IP network. Discuss two applications of wireless sensor networks in details. Discuss a routing protocol that you will consider in such applications. Justify your answer.

2. What are the similarities and the differences between sensor networks and RFID networks? Consider that you are asked to design a RFID network for your university library. Explain how you will design it and how that RFID network will operate.

3. What do you mean by redundant reader eliminations in RFID network? How will you identify such redundant readers in any RFID networks?

4. NTE: NEIGHBORS AND TAGS ESTIMATION BASED ALGORITHM is a technique to identify redundant readers in a RFID network. Explain its differences with set cover based elimination approach. Explain a bad example of NTE compared to the set cover based algorithm. For example, show an example where set cover based algorithm will eliminate n-1 readers out of initial n readers, however, NTE can only eliminate 1 reader out of n initial readers.

5. Give an example of an HTTP URL. List the main components of an HTTP URL, stating how their boundaries are denoted and illustrating each one from your example. To what extent is an HTTP URL location-transparent?

6. Describe the advantages of an overlay network with a suitable example.

7. If a communication paradigm is asynchronous, is it also time-uncoupled? Explain your answer with examples as appropriate.

Computer Engineering, Engineering

  • Category:- Computer Engineering
  • Reference No.:- M92375421
  • Price:- $30

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