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Instruction: This assignment is to be completed by groups of two students. Each group is to work together to submit and present single group submission and presentation. The written submission is to include an Individual Statement of Contribution (as attached at the end of this document) signed by each student that identifies who contributed to each part of the solution and presentation.

Assignment Overview:

The Data Communications Management course has describeed a layered model of networking all along with details of physical implementations that altogether support a broad range of possible networking scenarios. This assignment sheet describes a sample scenario of a Primary School (Arndell Park Primary School) giving details of the business model and practical needs for the day-to-day operation of the school. For your assignment you will require to choose a Primary school in your area or known to you and then describe the different network implementations that will be needed in order to satisfy the requirements.

You are encouraged to discuss your proposed solutions with other students however your submission must be totally in your own words.

Assignment Specification:

Written Assignment:

The written report will consist of approximately 2000 words that describe the networking installation(s) required by the selected Primary School. The marks (out of 100) will be awarded as follows:

• Introduction that will comprise the brief details of the school chosen comprising its floor plan to cater for its ICT requirements, its ICT requirements emphasizing the networking and data communications, and the challenges for the solution(s).

• Attention all through your work to the way in which your proposals relate to a layered network model.                                                   
• Detailed suggestions for implementations which cover all aspects of the school’s vision, mission and operations.

• List, in general terms, the equipment and accessories which should be purchased for the solution and an estimated cost.                            
• Any suppositions which you have made. The Conclusion which summarizes your recommendations and discussions.                               
• Satisfactory standard of presentation and expression.

• Course material referencing which associates all material suggestions to a lecture and slide in the Course.                                            
• Wider referencing which shows sources which you have read in providing detail for your proposal.


The presentation will consist of a maximum of 15 slides which will be presented to your tutorial group within 10 minutes including problem time of approximately 2-3 minutes. The aim of the presentation is to communicate with your listeners about the solution(s) which you are proposing.

A) Introduction that will comprise brief details of the school chosen, its ICT requirements emphasizing the networking and data communications, and the challenges for the solution(s).

B) Good summary of the more detailed content:

•    The slides should show the main features.
•    Your oral presentation should provide more details.
•    Relationship of presented materials to a wider, layered model of networking.
•    Oral presentation (ex:  not reading from the slides, engagement with your audience).
•    Quality of the slides.
•    Response to problems indicating that you have adequate understanding of the presentation contents.

Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M9173

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