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Personal Reflection 1 -

Instructions - Watch Milgram's obedience video: Milgram Experiment Proves We Blindly Obey Authority.

Consider the following. Christ called his disciples to follow him (Mark 1:17). He also called his followers to complete obedience. He said: "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matt. 28:20. NRSV). Since he was risen from the dead and is alive, he is a contemporary leader for those who follow him today.

Respond to the following:

a. Discuss the inherent human nature of obedience to leadership power and authority.

b. Compare and contrast Christ's obedience command in Mark 1:17 with Milgram's obedience experiment

c. How would you read and interpret Matthew 5:38-41 in light of today's leadership trends?

d. How does the above apply to you as a leader and as a follower?

Personal Reflection 2 -

Instructions - Read "How Godly leaders resolve conflict". Nehemiah was a leader of Israel who had to manage conflict - read Nehemiah 5.

Respond to the following:

1. How do you manage or resolve conflict? As leader? As a follower?

2. What are your personal beliefs and values about conflict?

3. In reflecting on one of the toughest conflicts you've experienced in the workplace, how would you handle it differently now? Describe the conflict briefly and the outcome. What did you learn from it?

4. What leadership concepts and skills stand out to you from the article, text and reflections related to conflict?

Personal Reflection 3 -

Instructions - Read Mark #16: Accountability.

Respond to the following:

a. Should leaders live in accountability? Why or why not?

b. How are you practising or living in accountability in your own life?

c. How are accountability and living in community related?

d. What leadership integrative lessons have you learned from this assignment on accountability?

Personal Reflection 4 -

Instructions - Read Characteristics of Godly Leaders and Lesson 51: Godly Leadership (Acts 20:17-21). Respond to the following:

a. Assess where you are currently in the development of these character traits/ dimensions.

b. What does it mean for you to be a servant leader?

c. How open should a leader be regarding his personal weaknesses and failures? Does transparency mean baring all?

d. What practical steps can we take to grow in humility?

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Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M93109585
  • Price:- $30

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