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The given information is available for three MPS (Master Product Scheduling) items:

Product A: An 80 unit order is to be started in Week 3.
                 A 55 unit order is to be started in week 6.

Product B: A 125 unit order is to be started in week 5

Product C: A 60 unit order is to be started in week 4.

Build a material requirements plan for items D, E and F. The BOMs (Bill of Materials) are shown in the figure below, and the data from the inventory records are shown in table below. (Warning: The safety stock requirement applies to item F. Be sure to plan a receipt for any week in which the projected on hand inventory becomes less than the safety stock).

470_master product scheduling.jpg

Data Category               D                         E                       F
Lot Sizing Rule               FOQ = 150          L4L                    POQ (P=2)
Lead Time                      3 weeks              1 week              2 weeks
Safety Stock                  0                          0                        30
Scheduled Receipts       150 (week3)        120 (week 2)     None
Beginning inventory      150                       0                        100

Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M9330

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