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The Gantt chart, agendas, minutes etc will be kept in a portfolio as evidence of the use of project management skills through the duration of the project. Aselection of these should be appended to your report.

In addition, each student will keep a logbook. The logbook is a working document. It provides evidence of when and how design tasks were completed.

It should contain:

a) Detailed design calculations

b) Discussion of factors affecting choice of equipment, processes, materials of construction etc

c) Reference to literature and design guides. Literature searches etc

d) Details of interactions with other group members

All entries must be dated.

Logbooks must be countersigned by a project supervisor at least once per month

Project Expectations and Milestones

Individual projects will vary, each related to its own specific process. However, there are certain generic outcomes which are expected of all projects:

• Production of a process flow-sheet

• Tabulation of steady-state mass and energy balances over the flow-sheet

• Detailed chemical engineering design of specific items of plant

• Specification of control strategies and their implementation over a selected part of the flow-sheet

• Detailed mechanical design of specified items

• Safety and environmental audits of the plant and processes involved

• Costings and profitability.

Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M9532098

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