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Suppose that the government of Lumpland is enjoying a fat budget surplus with fixed government expenditures of G=150 and fixed taxes of T= 200. Assume that consumers of Lumpland behave as described in the following consumption function: C=150+.75(Y-T) Suppose further that investment spending is fixed at 100. Calculate the equilibrium level of GDP in Lumpland. Solve for equilibrium levels of Y, C, and S. Next assume that the Republican Congress in Lumpland succeeds in reducing taces by 20 to a new fixed level of 180. Recalculate the equilibrium levels of Y, C, and S after the tax cut and check to ensure that the multiplier worked. What arguments are likely to be used in support of such a tax cut? What arguments might be used to oppose such a tax cut?

Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M91191271
  • Price:- $10

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