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Question: Case Studies: You have just been employed by McDonald Australia as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and your first assignment for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Board of Directors is to change the current internal control system into a more up-to-date and robust system. The new control must be aligned with McDonald's current strategy as outlined below: Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value for each and every customer each and every time: ? Place the customer experience at the core of all we do. ? Committed to our people. ? Believe in the McDonald's system. ? Operate our business ethically. ? Give back to our communities. ? Grow our business profitably. ? Strive continually to improve.


1) Group's Business Proposal (1,500 words) - 10% Your "Internal Control" system must have the follow elements: ? Design Theme - What is the objective of your "Internal Control"? Characteristics - The design must be based on COSO's and COBIT's frameworks. ? Implementation - what will be your process(es)? ? Value Added - how will your "Internal Control" system adds value to McDonald i.e. what and where are the improvements? ? Limitations - are there any issues for implementing this "Internal Control"?

2) Group's Presentation (maximum 10 PowerPoints Slides) - 5% Please summarise your Business Proposal into a 10 minutes (approximately) PowerPoints presentation for the Chief Executive Officer and the Board of Directors.

Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M92366002
  • Price:- $10

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