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Question A List the different approaches to Quality. Describe Juran's views on Quality

Question D a. Explain the factors determining the customer satisfaction.
                  b. Define Design Quality, Expected Quality and Actual Quality and how they influence the customer satisfaction

Question C Write short notes on:
                   a. Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
                   b. Tolerance design

Question D a. Describe Quality Assurance
                   b. "The quality audit is a management tool used to evaluate, confirm or verify activities related to quality. A properly conducted quality audit is a positive and constructive process" Discuss.

Question E a. Explain the main features of Quality Control and Inspection
                  b. Describe the key role of Enterprise Decision Making

Question F Describe the importance of service quality. Describe the measurement of service quality

Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M9588542

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