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- Evaluate the significance ofstudying ethics from the standpoint of a biblical worldview.

Instructions: This is a course in Christian ethics, which ultimately means that the perspective of the course arises out of a Christian worldview. Although there are a number of ways to frame our understanding of this, a Christian worldview follows the basic narrative arc of the Bible, and includes some essential dimensions such as: Creation, Fall (Sin/Evil), and Redemption through Jesus Christ. Chapter One of Rae, Moral Choices,points out some important reasons to study ethics in general, which we will want to supplement by thinking about how to study ethics particularly as Christians.

Read Chapters 1-2 of the textbook by Rae.

- Complete the answers to Chapter 1 Study Questions 1, 3, 4, 6 & 7

- Prepare to discuss what difference it makes being a Christian when it comes to ethics.


- Explain how and where the major theories of ethics appear in the Bible.

Instructions: There are six major moral theories that are outlined by Rae in his book, Moral Choices.An understanding of these theories is crucial for seeing how people can arrive at varying conclusions to ethical problems. This activity should allow you to see how different ways of moral reasoning appear in the Bible. This is important because Scripture itself exhibits a variety of approaches to ethics. One implication of this is that although there are many ways to approach ethics, there are definitely some that the Scriptures seem to favor! The task is to give a brief introduction to each moral theory and (as far as possible) some biblical examples of these varying approaches to ethics.

- Find a minimum of three additional passages of Scripture that illustrate one particular theory of moral reasoning. Share which moral theory you chose and how these passages are pertinent.

- Prepare to discuss your findings and support your opinion as to why the passages support the theory you selected.

Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M92364974
  • Price:- $10

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