Part: Assessment: Equity Valuation
a) Provide a detailed evaluation of an equity investment decision in the current economic climate. Your briefing should include:
i) A review of the ‘top-down’ analysis that led to the focus on a particular company. The reasons for considering particular economies, industries and companies from within those industries should be provided.
ii) A fully describeed/justified calculation of the current intrinsic value of the company - established using at least one DCF technique and one relative valuation technique (all figures employed including growth projections to be describeed/justified and performance comparisons within industries and/or between countries describeed. N.B. illustrative exs used in the lectures/workshops should not be used).
iii) As the methods employed in ii) above are likely to result in different valuations, you are required to provide an academic justification of the valuation method(s) you will rely upon.
Part: Assessment: Company Performance Evaluation
a) Present an evaluation of the current performance of your chosen company using ROCE, RI, EVA and SVA. (All figures employed should be up to date, clearly describeed/justified and any performance comparisons within industries and/or between countries describeed)
b) Critically evaluate the usefulness of ROCE, EVA and SVA in assessing company performance. Note: you must make reference to journal articles in this section and reflect on your own experiences of using these techniques.