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Lead and manage effective work relation Assessment-

Task 1A:

1 - Review and summarised the scenario in Appendix 1.

2 - List and explain strategic and operational plan.

3 - Develop a draft communications strategy for meeting organisational needs that includes:

a. two to three communications objectives:

b. at least two different audiences, for example, senior management, work teams, or individual employees:

c. at least two methods of communication or media:

d. at least two provisions to facilitate bottom-up consultation (from employees to management); for example, consultation on employee health and safety, consultation on continuous improvement of work processes, consultation on employee conditions and pay, or consultation on job roles and performance expectations.

4 - Develop a short Grievance procedures.

Task 1B - 10-15 minutes presentation:

- Identify organisational needs (Appendix 1)

- External regulatory needs (legislations)

- Organisational policies

- Ethical requirements

- Discuss your communication strategies based on the assessment instruction

- (at least 10 PowerPoint slides)

Task 2:

Appendix 2: Questions 

For the following scenario-based questions, put yourself in the position of the new Brisbane Branch Manager and answer the questions accordingly.

Question 1: An employee has complained to you that some members of your team have not made any effort to accommodate non-Christians in this year's Christmas celebrations. The employee feels excluded and disappointed that an opportunity to bring the team together has instead divided the team along religious lines.

How would you address the employee's complaint?

In your written response to the above question:

  • Describe at least two pieces of JKL Industries' policy or procedure that conflict with the team's behaviour towards the employee.
  • Identify the relevance of one piece of relevant legislation.
  • Describe how policies and processes can help to promote cultural diversity, ethical values and relationship-building.
  • Describe any changes or additions you would make to JKL Industries' policies, processes or communications to further promote cultural diversity and ethical values.
  • Describe how you would approach the team and any suggestion you would make to resolve the issue fairly and consistent with organisational policy.

Question 2: To respond to the issue described in question one, you have decided to meet with the team to directly address the behaviour.

How would you prepare for and approach this meeting?

  • Describe what potential problems you anticipate from the team.
  • Describe how you would confront the team with their unacceptable behaviour, while maintaining trust and avoiding the impression of taking sides.
  • What communication style would you consider adopting for this scenario?
  • Describe a previous situation in which you adapted your communication style to meet the needs of others in the workplace or achieve a work goal.

Question 3: As a manager new to the Brisbane area, you feel that you need to develop contacts with people internal to the organisation, such as managers, and external people, such as suppliers, business networks, managers' networks and mentors.

How would you approach networking to achieve goals?

In your written response to the above question:

  • Describe how networking with internal and external people could help you build positive relationships to achieve organisational and professional goals. What networking or networks would you suggest?
  • Describe a situation in which you joined a network to achieve an organisational or professional development goal. Describe the network. How did you build stronger relationships within the net work? What was the result of the networking for you and your organisation?

Question 4: Your sales team is relatively new and inexperienced. You feel that they would benefit from networking. Sam and Alex need to build relationships with customers, suppliers and fellow salespeople to achieve personal development and organisational goals.

Sam: Has issues with internal and external suppliers who consistently miss delivery dates and won't cooperate in keeping costs down for customers. Consequently, he has issues with his own customers; he feels suppliers don't understand his needs as a client. Sam finds conflict really hard and avoids getting angry, hoping the problem will resolve itself. Sam feels he would benefit from hearing how others negotiate terms with suppliers. Right now, however, he has very little respect for them as they've let him down.

Alex: Has issues with customers who obviously don't understand a good deal when they see it. He's also tired of chasing 'deadbeats' for settling accounts on credit. Alex would like to know how others deal with such 'fools' and still maintain a sense of self-respect.

How would you lead Sam and Alex to realise their professional goals and related organisational goals over the next three months?

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M92382521
  • Price:- $50

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