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Implementing Strategy

For this Critical Thinking assignment, you have been asked by IKEA to make a suggestion for an organizational chart that IKEA can consider to better support its corporate international strategy. Let's assume that some top IKEA executives like and want to keep the current structure. (See for this structure.) However, recently there has been pressure from a few IKEA leaders to consider that the company must become more innovative in its approach to global expansion.

To complete the new proposed organization structure, review the IKEA case study from Chapter 8 of your textbook. (This case was part of the required reading for Module 6.) Then review some additional information about IKEA on the Internet. Also, review the organizational design elements in this week's module lecture. Make sure you fully understand the concepts presented in Chapter 9 of the textbook.

Decide what you think would be the best organizational structure for IKEA at this point in time, based on the strategy implementation concepts presented in this course. Be aware that you will need to substantiate your recommended organizational structure changes, or justify your recommendation to keep the current structure.

Then use the Internet to find a free software program that can be used to develop an organizational chart (or you may choose to develop the organizational chart in Word using these instructions). Potential organizational chart software options include Gliffy, SmartDraw, and Lucidchart.

Include the following elements in a well-written paper:

  • Introduce the thesis of your paper (what you will be presenting).
  • Introduce your organizational chart(s) (Figure x).
  • Discuss and explain how you determined that this might be a good structure for IKEA to use at this point in time.
  • End with a summary statement of the highlights of your paper.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately two pages in length.
  • Be formatted according to Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
  • Include citations from the textbook in support of your position, as well as citations from at least four additional outside, credible sources.
  • Use appropriate APA academic writing style and formatting, precise word choices, and fully developed paragraphs that are clear and concise. Uphold the writing standards required in previous Critical Thinking assignments.



Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M91184090
  • Price:- $30

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