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Submit a draft proposal for Sections II and III. You will provide financial statement analyses, profitability ratios, and ratio analyses to support the capital budget proposal formulated in Milestone Three. You will also use financial calculations to support proposal recommendations and to explain the short- and long-term financial impact for the organization.

Milestone three met some of the objectives for this assignment. While you did seem to have a proposal, it seems very broad. Your Milestone was to outline a specific proposal and the paper seemed more like an essay on budgeting. For example, what specific actionable items are you proposing?

You will need to identify specific costs and measurable metrics for the proposal. How will you know if the proposal is successful?

How do you plan to justify the proposal to the executive board

Attachment:- final project.rar

Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M92488431
  • Price:- $20

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