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Case study for project requirements

Purpose of assessment

To provide evidence of the awareness of relevant authorities, insurance and taxation requirements for a construction project.

This assessment task accounts for 30% of total assessment.

Download and complete the Assessment 4 Cover Sheet save a copy, and then upload it with your submission.

Cut and Paste the Questions below into a text editor such as Wordpad or MicroSoft Word and answer the questions. Include both the Text file and the PDF Assessment Cover Sheet in your submission.

Assessment task

Research and report on the construction contract of a recent project of a building organisation of your choosing providing details of the following:

  • Authorities that needed to be advised of the project.
  • Insurance that was required for the project.
  • Taxation arrangements for the organisation including any specific arrangements that were required for this project.

Assessment task 5 - In the client's best interests

Purpose of assessment

To determine methods for dealing with employees and clients to establish and maintain good relations.

This assessment task accounts for 30% of total assessment.

Download and complete the Assessment 5 Cover Sheet save a copy, and then upload it with your submission.

Cut and Paste the Questions below into a text editor such as Wordpad or MicroSoft Word and answer the questions. Include both the Text file and the PDF Assessment Cover Sheet in your submission.

Assessment task

If you think it is suitable, use the same project from Assessment task 4 to research and report on the organisation's methods for establishing and maintaining good working relations with employees, and those to promote and work in the best interests of clients.

If there were any disputes, include details of these along with information about how the disputes were resolved.

Add your comments on any actions taken.

If you would prefer to use another project for this assessment, include a brief description of the project before you address the main aspects of the assessment task.

Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M91184067
  • Price:- $30

Priced at Now at $30, Verified Solution

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