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BREXIT: Impact of Brexit on the Supply-Chain of Small Craft Brewers

The main research question pertaining to this project is to assess the impact of Brexit and its effect on the supply-chain of small craft brewers. In order to deal with this question, qualitative research based on secondary data from previous academic research and industry based information will be used to answer the research questions and objectives raised in this research. The food and beverage industry is the largest manufacturing sector in the UK accounting for more than 18.3% of manufacturing output and an estimated value of £ 95.4bn . York and its surroundings have one of the highest concentrations of food and beverage producers in the UK, from multinationals to a growing number of specialized manufacturers and brewers.

Aims and Objectives
This research is aimed at investigating the impact of Brexit on the supply-chain of small craft brewers.

Research Objective

Two research questions are formulated for investigating the issue. They are stated below:
- How the Brexit does change the supply-chain of small craft brewers?
- What is the impact of Brexit on the supply-chain of small craft brewers?


1.1 Background of Industry
1.2 Aims and Objectives
1.3 Research Objective

2.1 Search Strategy
2.2 Industry Statistics
2.3 Review of Literature
2.3.1 Tariffs
2.3.2 Legal
2.3.3 Impact on profitability
2.3.4 VAT
2.3.5 Supply Chain Hubs
2.3.6 Lead Times
2.3.7 Grants and Incentives
2.4 How could Brexit affect your supply chain?
2.5 How do you make the most of the Brexit opportunity?
3.1 Methodology

1500 Words Introduction
3500 Words Literature Review
300 Methodology
Words: 5300

Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M92389808
  • Price:- $150

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