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Assignment: Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management is the integration of activities that procure materials and services, transform them into intermediate goods and final products, and deliver them to customers. The production, distribution, and sale of both goods and services are bound by constraints in demand, supply, capacity, capability, and a myriad of other parameters.

In this assignment, consider the strategic implications of how an organization produces and interacts with its partners, customers, and suppliers.

Using the module readings, Based on your research, complete the following:

• Describe the overall goal of a supply chain.

• Describe the difference between a supply that is responsive (service) and a supply chain that is efficient. Can a supply chain be both?

• How can an organization optimize supply chain management to improve results and remove obstacles? Support your answer with two current examples.

• Based on your learning from your research, what additional recommendations might add to what was accomplished?

Write a 3 pages paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M92366814
  • Price:- $35

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