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Assignment: Supply-Categories of Costs - a Research Paper

Select a service-based industry and answer these questions as it relates to selection:

• Explain and discuss the six categories of costs as it relates to selection.
• Explain and discuss how an organization can benefit from a focus on total cost of ownership as it relates to selection.
• Explain and discuss relevant costs as it relates to selection.
• Explain and discuss the following as it relates to your selection:

o Downtime costs
o Cycle time costs
o Conversion costs
o Non-value-added costs
o Supply chain costs
o Product liability costs
o Customer satisfaction costs


• essay will require an organizational structure that includes the introduction section, conclusion section, individual sections that address each of questions note above.

• Write a 3- to 4-page paper (page count doesn't include the required title and reference pages).

• paper must be properly cited and formatted according APA guidelines

• support your analysis with at least four scholarly american references.

Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M92360929
  • Price:- $35

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