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Assignment: Evaluating a Supply Chain

In this assignment, you will develop an understanding of the supply chain. You will provide your assessment of a supply chain in the form of an evaluation. This assignment is the second of the two LASA assignments you will complete in this course.

Using the online library resources and the Internet, research methods of evaluating supply chains. Select at least three (3) scholarly sources to support the information in your presentation.

Description of LASA:

In this assignment, you will evaluate a supply chain.


You are consulting for the same organization that you worked for in LASA 1. The organization has asked you to design a supply chain and implement a program to monitor its performance with respect to sustainability. They have also asked you to give recommendations for improving upon your plan as the organization grows. The chief executive officer (CEO) has asked you to present your design and recommendations in a PowerPoint presentation at a meeting with the executive management team.


Your presentation should include the following information:

1. Evaluate the organization's facilities with regard to capacity and location. Determine whether the organization has enough capacity and whether or not the facilities are strategically located.

2. Conduct an inventory analysis of the firm.

o Evaluate the firm's ERP system.
o Evaluate the firm's inventory management systems.
o Identify the firm's inventory costs.
o Determine the firm's optimum order quantities.
o Identify the firm's seasonality adjustments and reorder points.

Describe the systems used to monitor the performance of the suppliers.

o Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs).
o Describe the firm's risk management strategies.

Identify the firm's conflict management strategies. Recommend strategies, tools, etc. the organization can use to improve or expand upon the supply chain in the future. Identify any potential ethical issues that could have a negative impact on the organization and make recommendations to address them.

In addition to the slides in the presentation, include a detailed outline in the speaker notes section explaining the content on each slide. Use at least three scholarly sources to support the information in your presentation. Be sure to cite the sources for your information.

Make sure your presentation adheres to the following Presentation Guidelines:

• Create a presentation that is professional and visually appealing.

• Include a combination of text and graphics.

• Do not write out your entire presentation on the slides. Use bullet points of keywords and short phrases instead of long sentences and paragraphs.

• Create your presentation (slides and Speaker Notes) using language that can be easily understood by the intended audience.

• Use APA formatting for your slides and Speaker Notes (outline).

Develop a 10-15-slide presentation (including the title slide and reference slide) in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M92368514
  • Price:- $45

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