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Individual Green Acre Getaway Gardens shops offer a fresh flower arrangement service to businesses. Green Acre Getaway Gardens staff members daily prepare arrangements and deliver the product to the business customers. The new business is quite profitable for on-time deliveries. However, it is common that a late delivered order is rejected resulting in a loss of profit and potentially a loss of future sales. In order to reduce the average hours late, the manager Taylor has created a spreadsheet to aid in determining the schedule for these orders. The worksheet JobOrder lists the jobs in order they were received.

The employees enjoy working for Green Acre Getaway Gardens as a part-time sales representatives. However, the part-time employees each need to work at least 3 days per week to maintain their sales expertise but no more than 4 days per week (to avoid paying benefits). The garden nursary needs only 2 or 3 employees per day. Taylor has consistently collected information on sales by each part-time sales representative. Surprisingly, each person seems to have a pattern of selling better on some days than others. The average sales by each sales representative by day is listed on the Employee Scheduling worksheet. Use SOLVER and this information to determine the when each employee should work to maximize total sales.

NOTE: An assignment problem is a special case of the transportation problem. The 'total employees needed' correspond to 'total demand' on the transportation model. Constrain all the changeable cells as binary. A value of 1 means the employee is working on a particular day and a zero means the employee is not working on that particular day. Use the Simplex LP solving method for quick results.

BONUS: This is tricky and is not required. Add equations to the spreadsheet and constraints to the SOLVER model to insure that the employees have at least two consecutive days off per week. You must change the solving method to Evolutionary to find a possible solution.

For the JobOrder worksheet

1. You must enter your business name and your name on the Story Problem worksheet.

2. You must put your name as it appears on you student ID on the properties page of this workbook.

3. For each job sequencing technique, determine the appropriate order of jobs. Be sure not to list the same job twice. You will notice drop-down boxes to aid in your selection.

4. Enter equations to calculate the Total Flow Time, Mean Flow Time, Total Late Days, and Average Lateness.

5. Look and the Taylor Duncan's Whim table. Create a selection of your own that has a lower Average Lateness than any of the other methods calculated.

For the EmployeeScheduling worksheet

1. You must use the Solver routine and receive a optimal solution. The model has 28 decision binary variables (cells that are permitted to vary).

2. Maximize the 'Max Sales' entry.

3. This problem is quite similar to the Transportation worksheet. Examine the notes you took from class on solving an assignment problem.

4. A bonus is possible on this problem. However, if you do not receive an answer consistently you may lose points.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Management Theories, Management Studies

  • Category:- Management Theories
  • Reference No.:- M92385155

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